Sunday, May 18, 2014

Transport: a new performance piece by Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan

Thursday, May 29 and Friday, May 30, 2014, 7, 8 and 9 pm
Western Canadian Aviation Museum, 958 Ferry Road, Winnipeg

Join performance artists Dempsey and Millan on board the vintage Vickers Viscount passenger jet as they spin a 70s tale laced with disco, salted peanuts and transcendence.

The performance is an opportunity to experience the most intact example of a Vickers Viscount aircraft in the world, and share in a metaphysical, performative journey, courtesy of your flight crew. Collaborators since 1989, Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan were catapulted into the international spotlight in their 20s with the performance and film We’re Talking Vulva.

Since then, their performance pieces and videos have been exhibited in venues as far-ranging as women's centres in Sri Lanka and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. This Winnipeg-based duo has created installations (such as Archaeology and You for the Royal Ontario Museum) and books (such as Bedtime Stories for the Edge of the World, Arbeiter Ring Press). They have also curated exhibitions and screenings, including supernovas and Subconscious City as Adjunct Curators at The Winnipeg Art Gallery.

Known to many as simply the Lesbian Rangers, they have been acclaimed as “one of the high-points of contemporary Canadian artistic production.” (Border Crossings Magazine).

To reserve seats, email Tickets are $7.50/each and can be purchased at the door. Because seating is limited, tickets must be picked up 15 minutes before “flight time”. The Museum is located at the very end of Ellice Ave. Go to where Ellice dead ends, and follow the signs.

For further information contact Shawna Dempsey, 204-453-8845 or

Friday, May 9, 2014

College of Professional Pilots Resumé Writing Workshop

Wednesday May 28 2014
1830 hours
Harv's Air, Steinbach South Airport

This FREE seminar is designed to help people learn about common aviation hiring processes including resumé writing and cover letters.
•Learn about aviation hiring practices
•Learn about the resume writing process
•Learn about cover letters
•What is LinkedIn?
•Evaluate and critique your resumé

Jonathan Steinfeld has been flying for 22 years with over 13 years in 703, 704, and 705 flying.  Jonathan has held positions including Chief Flight Instructor, Chief Pilot and Operations Manager.  Jonathan is currently an Ambassador with the College Of Professional Pilots and a pilot with WestJet Airlines.


For more information, please refer to:

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Saturday 10 May 2014
8 pm to 1 am
Holiday Inn Express Ballroom
1740 Ellice Avenue

Tickets $20
All proceeds to CancerCare Manitoba
Contact Terry at 204 782-0581

Manitoba Aviation Calendar

Monday, April 28, 2014

Winnipeg Flying Club President's Trophy Award

The Winnipeg Flying Club is pleased to announce the availability of the President’s Trophy Award for 2014. This award recognizes performance in the achievement of the Private Pilot Licence.

WFC has offered awards for pilot training, flight instruction, aviation excellence, and volunteerism, for much of our 85+ year history.

In 2013, several significant local events were held celebrating and promoting Women in Aviation, beginning with the Women Fly For Free event at St Andrews in March 2013. Extending on that theme, for 2014 WFC is offering two prize awards of $500 each.

Applications are being accepted from Manitoba women of all ages, who achieved their Private Pilot Licence between March 9, 2013 and May 24, 2014 (participation in the Women Fly For Free event is not an eligibility requirement for these awards).

Applications will be accepted until the end of day May 31, 2014. Winner(s) will be selected by the WFC Awards Committee, and announced during St. Andrews Airport’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, being held during the weekend of June 14, 2014.

Application forms, complete with attachments and supporting documentation, can be submitted to:

Mail: Winnipeg Flying Club Attn: Awards Committee
421 Airport Drive
St. Andrews, MB R1A 3R2

Or via e-mail:

The application form is available here:

Manitoba Aviation Calendar

Winnipeg Gliding Club Open House

Wednesday 14 May 2014
6:30 pm to 9 pm
17 Wing Recreation Centre (Building 90)
Draw for a Free Flight

Manitoba Aviation Calendar

Carman Fly In

June 8, 2014
10 am to 1 pm
Carman South Airport

Manitoba Aviation Calendar

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

St Andrews Airport 50th Anniversary

Updated schedule of events for St Andrews Airport 50th Anniversary, 14 June 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Manitoba Chapter 99s Annual Poker Derby

Manitoba Chapter of the 99s presents the Annual Poker Derby. Date: May 24, 2014, 8 am to 11:30 am. Prize award 3 pm at Lyncrest Airport. Other participating airports: Altona, Beausejour, Lac du Bonnet, Morden, Southport, St Andrews, St Francis Xavier, Steinbach North

Saturday, April 5, 2014

WCAM Easter Egg Hunts

Western Canada Aviation Museum
Easter Egg Hunts
Saturday 19 April 2014 10 am to Noon, and
Sunday 20 April 2014 2 pm to 4 pm

Friday, April 4, 2014

CAHS National Convention Regina June 4 - 7, 2014

Canadian Aviation Historical Society
National Convention and Annual General Meeting
4 - 7 June 2014
Regina, Saskatchewan

Download the registration form here.

Aviation Egress Systems 24 or 25 April 2014

Ground School by E-Learning (at the convenience of your computer) 
followed with a 
Thursday April 24, or
Friday April 25, 2014
course cost $ 396.00

St Andrews Airport 50th Anniversary Sponsorship

To download the sponsorship form, click here.

St Andrews Airport 50th Anniversary June 14, 2014

St. Andrews Airport is 50 years old in 2014. The aerodrome was started in 1962 and originally certified in 1964. The Airport is celebrating with a day of aviation oriented activities recognizing our 50 Anniversary on June 14, 2014. This is an opportunity to bring the Airport Community together with the surrounding neighbourhood.

We have arranged a Dinner and Dance to be held at Air Ross, 500 Airline Road. Music will 1960s themed, 

provided by the RCAF Band. The meal will be full service catered by Ludwick’s of East St. Paul.

COCKTAILS                17:30

DINNER                       18:30
DANCE                         20:00 – 23:00

Tickets are now available from the Airport Operations Building at 705 South Gate Road. Tickets are $ 40 each or $75 per couple.

If you have any questions, ideas, or just require further information, please contact Craig Skonberg, Executive Director / Airport Manager at 204 – 336 – 3250.  Thank you for your time and consideration and we look forward to hearing from you.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Fundraisers and Special Activities

Dreams Take Flight Raffle Tickets

Tickets for Air Canada' Dreams Take Flight raffle are being sold at Grant Park Mall close to Safeway from Monday March 31st - Sunday April 6th. They are $2 each, support a great cause and you can win a 2014 Jetta! Draw date is April 25th. Thank you… Jenna

Women in Aviation Annual Fund Raiser – Purdy Chocolates

In time for Easter!
To order, set up a log-in and pay with a credit card. Orders are due April 6th and delivered to Winnipeg by April 15th. There are some super yummy Easter bunnies, eggs and gift baskets. Contact Stacie Bruneteau at

Women’s Free PSTAR Ground School

The MB Chapter 99s are organizing a 5-evening Free PSTAR Ground School April 8, 10, 12, 14, & 16th6:30-8:30 pm for women. Together, participants will write the PSTAR exam for the Student Permit. This is the first component of ground school, women interested in continuing can decide to do so. Harv’s Air is kindly providing Instructors.


Members of the MB Chapter of the 99s who fly C-FLUG C150 are producing a professional fund raising calendar. Approximately 5000 copies will be sold.

a. If you would like your business or personal logo or name in the calendar to show your support for women in aviation, please contact

b. Calendars will be sold for $20 + shipping. 100% of every sale – YES all $20!! Will be given to C-FLUG Pilots and Pilots in Training that sell the calendars for flight training and aviation fuel. Calendars sold by other supporters (eg pilots with their own planes who are keen to help promote women in aviation) will be deposited in C-FLUG’s bank account for C-FLUG’s contingency fund.

Sunday April 13th – St Andrews/Winnipeg Air Traffic Control Tower Tour

The C-FLUG team of Women Pilots is planning a tour of the St Andrews Tour at 17:00 (5:00 pm). Women interested in learning about flying, pilots and pilots in training are invited. (no purses and no cameras in the Tower). RSVP if you’re planning on attending as we may have to create two shifts due to limited space. You’ll see how the Air Traffic Controllers manage aircraft in the air and on the ground, you’ll hear communications between Pilots and Controllers, and you’ll have a chance to talk to Controllers about training, job opportunities, and salaries. Pre-register with

May 24th Spring Poker Derby 

All pilots welcome to join this fund raiser sponsored by the Manitoba Chapter of the 99s. Pilots purchase “poker cards” and are dealt their cards by flying to as many of the participating Manitoba airports as they like. Tons of door prizes and loads of fun for men and women – fill your plane with passengers too! Poster identifying participating airports will be posted shortly.

See other events on the Manitoba Aviation Calendar.

Monday, March 3, 2014

For Women: Introduction to Learning to Fly

Saturday, March 8, 2014
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Location: Lyncrest Airport 57119 Murdock Rd, Winnipeg
(2 km north of Fermor Ave just inside the east Perimeter)

Join us to experience: an introduction to flying, tour various aircraft types,
take a 45 minute sample flight and meet other female pilots.

To register contact:*

* Important note: There is no charge for this event but a written request is required.
To reserve your place, simply send an email stating:
1. Why you want to learn how to fly.
2. What steps you are willing to take to make your dream a reality.
3. What you hope to do to help other women to learn how to fly once you become a pilot.

Application deadline: March 7, 2014
For women only, must be 18 years or older.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

$2 Admission to the Western Canada Aviation Museum on Feb 17th

Monday February 17th, 2014 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Admission is just $2 on Louis Riel Day, Monday, February 17, 2014. The museum will be open from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Join in on our free guided tour at 2:00 pm. We hope to see you in and around the hangar!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Comment on Proposed Amendments to the Aeronautics Act

Hi Aviation Enthusiasts – take a moment to write an ememo to ensure we have the freedom to fly in the future!

Patrick at COPA explains the following:

1. It is COPA’s experience that its influence is more effective when members send a large number of individual messages to the people in power. "Individual" is key here, cut and paste or form letters are disregarded.

2. The most effective method at this stage of the process is for individuals to send an email to to express agreement with COPA’s submission and in particular the need for a focus group.

Take Action: Your airport or private aerodrome is at risk, TC has extended the comment period until 14 February, please participate!

Amendments to Aeronautics Act, Regulations - Requirement to consult on Aerodrome construction

Ladies and Gentlemen, Pilots and Non-Pilots:

I attended a conference yesterday at which Transport Canada officials explained their rationale for wanting to proceed with amending the Aeronautics Act and regulations to require consultation on all aerodrome creation and construction. There were many representatives of Associations plus other individuals who attended by telephone and TC reported that 15 written responses were received. I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to make your concerns known. I believe we got TC's attention to the enormity of this issue because by the end of the meeting TC agreed to review the way forward.

Industry representatives did a great job of highlighting the need for a focus group to thoroughly investigate the implications of this issue but we need to drive this point home as TC considers the way forward. TC said that "only" 15 responses have been received and they want more input. I realize that many of the submissions were from organizations that represent thousands of people but TC views 15 responses as relatively low.

TC has extended the comment period until 14 February to provide comment and I ask everyone to fan this message out to your contacts and encourage them to review my article on the subject

and then provide input before 14 February.

TC admitted yesterday that the collective discussion that the conference had value and brought some points forward that they had not seen or missed in the written submissions. Now is the time to drive the point home that a focus group is needed. Please fan this message out to your contacts and if you have not yet provided comments, please do so.

Kevin Psutka

President and CEO

Canadian Owners And Pilots Association

71 Bank St, 7th floor

Ottawa, ON

K1P 5N2